
I am thinking about so many things for which I am grateful.

Smart people working to make positive change. 

The power to vote.

The chance to learn with access to libraries, the internet, and people's broad ideas.

Being able to start a business, get a job and earn money to live comfortably. 

Healthy relationships which give us strength to allow us to challenge unhealthy relationships.

Food, shelter, hot showers, and the ease they represent.

The ability to work hard.

Big thinkers who push boundaries and question the status quo.

Technology that allows us to connect, learn, confront, and identify with so we don't feel so alone.

Humor that allows us to laugh.

The resources to love, serve, give, and share.

As Americans, most of us have access to the things above. We should be grateful for them. We should work to improve these things for others. There are elements of effortlessness in many of these items because people came before us and worked to create a society that allows us to challenge and enhance our world. 

For many of us, privilege gives us room to question, expand, develop, and build up. During this season of Thanksgiving, I wish you each of these things and hope that you have a day of peace.

Thank you for being part of this growing Shift Gathering community. 


Tis the Season to be Generous


Five Things to Consider When Collaborating