Do business cards still matter?

Photo by Brando Makes Branding

Photo by Brando Makes Branding

The short answer: yes. Though we live and work in a digital world, a small physical object like a business card is still a significant tool for your career or business. The way your card looks and feels communicate who you are, what you represent and value, and what your personal and brand priorities are. It’s as important as an elevator pitch in terms of offering a quick synopsis of your story and your brand.

Following any face-to-face meeting a card that accurately represents you can also serve as a hook when people review their cards post meeting. When your card associates strongly with your personal or brand’s story, people will remember that story when they’re sorting through their stack of cards days or weeks after the meeting.

A thoughtful and effective business card is small enough to fit in a pocket or purse. Trust good design over cumbersome gifts, and remember that sometimes less is more.

As you plan your business card, consider what you’re most passionate about and what you want to communicate. What’s the association you want to create? What’s the benefit to the recipient? What’s the message you’re hoping to send?


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